Evergreen Solutions & Products

Modernising Odour Treatment Systems in Paper Mills- The Sustainable Solution

Modernising Odour Treatment Systems in Paper Mills- The Sustainable

Sustainable Operations and Waste Reduction: Triple 7 Odour Control’s Environmental Impact

Paper mills are essential for producing the paper and cardboard products that we use every day. However, these mills can also generate unpleasant odours and release corrosive gases during the aerobic digestion process used to treat and recycle waste pulp and other residues. In this blog post, we will explore the five key points about how to prevent odours in the aerobic digestion process used in paper mills, with a focus on the product called Triple 7 Odour Control.

Efficient Odour Control in Paper Mills: Tackling Malodour and Bad Gas Smell

Gas is liberated during the process of aerobic degradation of the waste pulp, colours, and other residues of production using bacteria. This process generates a significant amount of methane and hydrogen sulfide, which are both harmful to humans and the environment. Additionally, the gases produced during this process can create a very bad odour that is not acceptable to people in the entire area of the paper mill. Therefore, it is crucial to find a way to control and eliminate these odours.

The gases released during the aerobic digestion process are corrosive and can cause significant damage to equipment and infrastructure if not controlled. The odour produced can also have a negative impact on the health and safety of employees and the surrounding community. Therefore, it is important to find a solution that can effectively eliminate odours and gases.

Preventing Corrosion and Ensuring Safety: Odour Control Systems in Aerobic Digestion

Water usage in paper mills is significant, and the aerobic digestion process is one of the ways in which waste is treated and recycled. This process generates significant amounts of waste slurry that must be disposed of in an eco-friendly way. Therefore, it is important to find a solution that can prevent the production of waste slurry and convert it into biomass that is easily disposable and environmentally friendly.

Triple 7 Odour Control: A Breakthrough Product for Effective Odour Elimination

As a solution to these problems, we suggest the use of Triple 7 Odour Control, a product that has been specifically designed to eliminate odours from the source and stop the release of off gases, methane, and hydrogen sulfide. The product contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together increase the rate of bacterial action and help the def=gradation by increasing the dispersibility of the water borne organic ingredients of the production process- that ultimately break down and neutralize odours and gases. Additionally, Triple 7 Odour Control product is easy to apply and can be effective at dosages of ppm or 5-10 ml per 100 litres of water. The Odour Control is also readilt biodegradable which means its effectiveness is assured for a period of 27-30 days within the time its inherent biodegradation sets in. Triple 7 Odour Contol is also without any odour masking agents, hazardous ingredients like ferric salts, magnesium chloride or typical chemical derivatives, enabling odour-related problems to be solved without hazardous additives. Triple7 Odour Control reduces odours by attaching to light aromatics, gases and attached flavonoids or constituent odour-causing substances. The product has an oxidising effect and works to convert Hydrogen Sulphide to harmless peroxide compounds, helping to prevent smells.

evergreensolution.co has a wide range of products to control odors in wastewater treatment, from malodors to bad gas smells. We have a team of experts who can help you select the right product for your needs.

Triple 7 Odour Control also prevents the production of waste slurry and converts it into biomass that is easily disposable and eco-friendly. This reduces the amount of waste produced by the paper mill and helps to create a more sustainable operation. By using Triple 7 Odour Control, paper mills can improve their environmental impact and create a safer and healthier workplace for their employees.

Water Management and Eco-Friendly Disposal: The Role of Odour Control Technologies


The aerobic digestion process used in paper mills can generate significant amounts of odours and gases that can be harmful to human health and the environment. It is essential to find a solution that can effectively eliminate these odours and gases while also preventing the production of waste slurry. Triple 7 Odour Control is a product that has been specifically designed to meet these requirements. By using Triple 7 Odour Control, paper mills can improve their environmental impact, create a safer and healthier workplace for their employees, and reduce the amount of waste produced by their operation.


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