What are the Non-Fuming and Safe Organic Alternatives to Corrosive Acids?

There are generations of people who have used acids and can give you advice on achieving the best results. Suppose you’re on the lookout for cleaning acids, then hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, oxalic acid, or phosphoric acid are the best options. These are tried-and-true methods that have been in use for over a century and are not only successful but also well-liked and straightforward to use.

Significance of Mineral Acid Derivative

Significance of Mineral Acid Derivatives

Until recently, you had no choice but to use hazardous chemicals that injure your surfaces and the environment or a low-quality product. But now, we do have mineral acid alternatives. 

Mineral acid derivatives are employed as toilet cleansers in houses and as descalers, limescale, and calcium removers in industries. Despite their effectiveness, they have fuming difficulties, are highly corrosive, and are not biodegradable. 

Though there is a popular misconception that diluting the acid will make it less harmful, this is not the case. Mineral acids do not decompose. There have been cases and legal cases when a person has passed out at a factory or at home after entering a room that has been cleaned with acid.

When the mineral acid product is exposed to the skin, it degrades steel, erodes surfaces, and causes burn marks. Due to the scarcity of choices, attempts have been made to find acid substitutes.

Significance of Envirofluids

The Australian company Envirofluid developed a non-corrosive, biodegradable acid to replace toxic mineral acids. Triple 7 Enviroscale is a non-bioaccumulative, entirely biodegradable cleaning acid substitute. It does not emit any fumes, is non-toxic and non-hazardous and can be used to descale and remove limescale. 

What are the Non-Fuming and Safe Organic Alternatives to Corrosive Acids?

Triple 7 Enviroscale is so safe that it won’t harm your clothes or stainless steel if you spill it on them. After being disposed of for 27-30 days, Triple 7 Enviroscale reverts to its carbonaceous state, leaving no sign. Triple 7 Enviroscale is a 100 per cent eco-friendly product that fulfils the organic criteria of Modified Strum 301B testing for biodegradable chemicals due to its non-bioaccumulative nature.

Winding Up…

As time goes on, our choices for future generations become more limited. We simply cannot continue to use items that accumulate in the land, water, and air, depriving future generations of a healthy, safe environment with ample resources for their growth and sustainability.

Is it possible to implement such solutions? Enviroscale has been adopted as the preferred acid replacement by 24 countries for municipal, defense, and government applications. Triple 7 Enviroscale, as codified by NATO, has found a home on ships, malls, and buildings in the majority of these countries.

Are we willing to be innovators and early adopters? Is it possible to jeopardize our planet’s safety and our children’s lives as they grow up? Is it possible for us to take the call…? Please contact us if you believe we can assist you in making this decision.

Chandrakant Tewari

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