Evergreen Solutions & Products

Revolutionizing Tool Bit Cleaning: A Cost-effective and Environmentally Friendly Approach

Case Study-2

Revolutionizing Tool Bit Cleaning: A Cost-effective and Environmentally Friendly Approach


This case study explores the successful implementation of a two-stage cleaning process for cutters and tool bits, which addressed the long-standing challenge of heavy scaling and provided a sustainable solution for a company plagued by environmental concerns, worker health issues, and mounting pressure from labor unions and regulatory bodies. By introducing Triple 7 Enviroscale and Triple 7 Mega Clean, the company achieved flawless results at a significantly lower cost, while prioritizing environmental sustainability.

Background: :

For over three decades, the company struggled to find a non-mechanical cleaning method to remove heavy and thick scaling from cutters and tool bits. The existing approach involving glass beads for shot blasting was effective in achieving the required surface finish, but it led to high rejection rates, causing financial losses. Furthermore, the workers involved in this operation suffered severe health damages, prompting the labor union to campaign aggressively for process cessation. The Pollution Control Board also issued a notice to the management to eliminate this hazardous process, pushing the company to seek an alternative solution.


To overcome these challenges, the company implemented a two-stage cleaning process, which not only resolved the scaling issue but also addressed the concerns raised by labor unions and regulatory authorities.

  • Stage 1: Triple 7 Enviroscale Treatment The first step involved treating the scaling with Triple 7 Enviroscale, a powerful bio-based solution. Although acidic in nature, this solution is non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-hazardous, readily biodegradable, and eco-friendly. Triple 7 Enviroscale utilizes a citrus-based acidic formulation, harnessing the power of a potent acid while minimizing its negative environmental impact. This treatment effectively dissolved the scale, preparing the surface for the subsequent cleaning stage.
  • Stage 2: Triple 7 Mega Clean Alkaline Descaling Following the Triple 7 Enviroscale treatment, the next step involved an alkaline descaling process using Triple 7 Mega Clean. Remarkably, this process achieved the desired results without requiring high temperatures, reducing energy consumption and cost. The alkaline descaling effectively removed any remaining residue and ensured a thorough cleaning of the cutters and tool bits.

Future Improvements:

Recognizing the variation in descaling time based on tool size, the company is currently exploring the possibility of mechanizing the process. By introducing Ultrasonic machines, they aim to offer 3-5 lines of descaling simultaneously, optimizing efficiency and further reducing the cleaning time required.

Results and Benefits:

The implementation of the two-stage cleaning process yielded remarkable outcomes for the company. The benefits included:

  • Flawless Results: The cutters and tool bits obtained after the cleaning process were of superior quality, free from scaling and ready for immediate use.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The new cleaning process significantly reduced operational costs. By eliminating the need for glass beads and minimizing rejection rates, the company achieved substantial savings.
  • Environmental Sustainability: By utilizing Triple 7 Enviroscale and Triple 7 Mega Clean, the company embraced environmentally friendly alternatives. These solutions are non-toxic, biodegradable, and do not contribute to pollution or harm worker health.
  • Improved Worker Safety: With the elimination of the hazardous shot blasting method, workers were no longer exposed to health risks associated with dust inhalation. This positively impacted their well-being and reduced the likelihood of labor union campaigns against the process.
  • Compliance and Reputation: By adopting the new cleaning process, the company complied with the directives of the Pollution Control Board, ensuring a safer and healthier workplace. This also enhanced the company’s reputation as an environmentally responsible organization.


Through the successful implementation of a two-stage cleaning process, incorporating Triple 7 Enviroscale and Triple 7 Mega Clean, the company overcame its long-standing scaling issues. The solution not only provided flawless cutters and tool bits but also offered significant cost savings, improved worker safety, and ensured compliance with environmental regulations. This case study demonstrates the company’s commitment to sustainability, innovation, and meeting the evolving needs of the industry while prioritizing the well-being of its workers and the environment.

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